Anchor links in CMS rich text blogs?

Hi everyone,

Can anyone help me create anchor links in my rich text CMS collection blogs? I’m open to other solutions but this is what I’m having trouble doing:

I have a static page that sort of acts like a table of contents for my User Guides. All the elements on this page are links that take the reader to either a guide (i.e. Guide 1) or a Heading 2 on a particular guide (ie. Guide 1 H2). Screenshot below is a representation of what I mean:

I’m using a CMS collection with rich text fields to create each separate guide. Each guide has H2s that I want to link to. Another screenshot representation screen of what my guides look like with the H2s

How would I create links from the static page that takes users to the specific H2 on one of my CMS pages? Like this:

I found this resource that I think might be what I’m looking for but I’m not confident on adding custom code.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry I can’t share my Webflow because of company policies :confused:

Thank you!

This thread may be useful How to Make a Blog Post Navigation Menu

Or look into Finsweet Attributes which are excellent Table of Contents for Webflow

The tricky bit will be having the links on a previous page e.g the “User Guides page” but it should be doable. Essentially it’s having a table of contents, but essentially it’s just another Table of Contents, but in a different format. You’ll need to have a hidden rich text element that has the guide, and then pull the H2 headings into anchor links and make them links under each guide.

It’s a bit long to type out the whole process here but does that make sense?

It would need a bit of technical know how, but definitely possible!

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Hi Tommy,

Thank you so much! I actually found a solution that suits my company a bit better but I appreciate your ideas and help!

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