Anchor link bug/issues

Hi! I am looking for some help on this issue.
This is my portfolio website :

The issues I am facing are:

Issue1- Anchor link named “Projects” on the homepage navbar, it scrolls down to the section on clicking but once the section is reached, I cannot scroll back to top.

Issue2- Same anchor link when clicked on the “about” page, it comes to the homepage and takes me to a random empty space which is very weird.

I would really appreciate some help on this.

Hi @Varun_Sharda, I hope you are doing well and thanks for the post.

I took a look and it looks like some of the link settings and element IDs may need to be looked at a bit further, I made a quick video:

I hope this helps

Hi Dave, thank you very much for you response. I think I mistakenly sent you the wrong configuration of the links. But then I tried everything you said and the issues still persist.
I have tried Chrome, firefox and opera and all are behaving the same. Can you please look into this.

I have given the class name of the section and ID both as “casestudies” and configured the links accordingly but no luck.

Hi @Varun_Sharda, thanks for your reply. Is the issue only happening in the published site or in both the designer and published site?

From the designer I can see you are also using custom code with the locomotive scroll plugin, so that can be affecting the normal page scroll on the published site as custom code is only rendered on the published site.

I would remove that code or comment that script and test again to see if the normal scrolling behavior works and the correct section loads from from the About page.

In the designer on the home page, the section scrolls fine for me to the Projects section with the #casestudies ID in Chrome.

On the About page, the projects link is set with a URL link type, so will navigate directly to the section with the casestudies ID on the home page. I would also add ‘https://’ to the link:

Shared with CloudApp

After that change republish the site to check the results.

It might also be helpful for you to share a screencast of how the scroll or anchor linking is not rendering as expected.

Thank you Dave for your support so far. I have made a loom video explaining what is happening, you may have a look at it here:

Read-only link to my site:

Hey! Can anyone help me with this, please?