AmplitudeJS - An HTML Audio Player For The Modern Era

I wonder how can it be implemented in WF


Hello @Ilan_Golan,

Thank you for sharing this library, seems good!

I think its definitely possible to use this in Webflow using cdn and embed code widget.

I will try it and come back to you as soon as I can.


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Please tell me this is possible! I’ve been struggling trying to find a way to showcase audio on my site :frowning:

Yes it’s possible.


Omg! that’s awesome! Would you mind explaining how to get this to work? I have never embedded code.

Thank you for this :slight_smile:

Yes of course, you can contact me here for custom code integration and consultation.

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I don’t know if I’m just clueless but anytime I paste anything into the tag of a page, nothing ever happens.

I tried pasting that snippet of code from AmplitudeJS and nothing happens???

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