All Tab Panes shown on portrait Mobile

Not sure if this is default, or if I did it somehow, but on the smallest viewport, portrait mobile, my vertical tabs are not working as desired. All 10 tab panes are shown, one after the other. I would prefer to let the user choose which tab is shown, one at a time. This is how it works on every other viewport.

Help please.


Hi @Drennen, thanks for the post :slight_smile: Could you update your post with some more information so we can help you faster? Things like your read-only link, and screenshots of the elements in question really speed things up.

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Dave :slight_smile:

Hi CyberDave.

The page in question is ENR2 Walking Tour

Thank you!

Hey @Drennen, thanks for the read-only link, that really helps :smile:

Here is a suggestion for you:

1, switch to mobile portrait view
2. select the LeftTabPane class, the first Tab Content pane
3. Remove Display override, we want the default Display Inline.
4. Set Float Left
5. Remove Clear

Try that and see if it helps :slight_smile: Cheers,Dave

Thank you so much. That worked perfectly! Would not have guessed this. ANY display override caused all the tabs to show at once.

Thanks again,

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