Adjust URL for Webflow Assets?

Hi Folks,
A client is publishing their annual and strategic reports on their website using the assets manager.
They have queried with us why, when you open the document the website URL changes from their domain to that of an indistinguishable URL, i.e.

Is there anyway around cleaning up this URL that it appears to be part of their actual website’s domain. These reports are being sent to a Finance Board who have described the URL as ‘untrustworthy’. Does Webflow have a solution around this or at least a recommendation?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Not with Webflow’s CDN. If you host your PDF’s somewhere else you could use a subdomain and control the filename.

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Do we think this will ever be changed?
We have have several different clients on Webflow complaining about this. They don’t want to see files from their website having URLS like:
All I can suggest to them is they host the file on their own domain’s hosting and we point to this native URL. Are there any other workarounds?

@Bammedia - Your suggestion to self host (web server or CDN) is correct. There are no other workarounds.

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I haven’t tried it myself (but I’m going to, now!): DigitalOcean Spaces for Object Storage Spaces Object Storage Pricing | DigitalOcean

@vinberdon - Used that for years with my own custom subdomain. There are plenty of valid choices for CDNs.

Good to know. Normally, I’d just have a webserver set up and just set Apache/Nginx to serve files up from a public directory. But DO’s Spaces looks a lot easier to use for someone not familiar with that kind of thing (common in the Webflow community, it seems). So if you’re going “no-code” for your website, you might prefer a managed, GUI fileserver, too. I’m a big fan of DO’s services, so I’m gonna try it out tonight.