Hey! I’m having issues adding new Matterport 3D videos in Webflow. I am not sure what is causing it now, as I don’t have any issues with the first 6 Matterport videos I added a couple months ago.
I have tried deleting and creating a new Video element, looking for alternate video links, trying the older Matterport 3D tour videos that I added in the past (they won’t work on the new pages either), and I tried using Youtube links just to see if they will work and they do.
Here’s a screenshot of the screen I am getting after trying to add the new Matterport video (or trying an old one that worked but on a new page).
Hey Brando, I’d love more info on using an iFrame? When I try to use Vimeo’s embed code it doesn’t fill the entire parent column width like it does when I use the Webflow video element. Any advice?
Initially, I was able to add video components and add a youtube URL into each. Once I got to my third video component, it crashed. And it keeps crashing, every single time I try to add a youtube URL.
Hi @Bboyneko, could you also help to share the youtube link you are trying to add? There have been a few reports of Vimeo video links not working for some links and our team is working to push out a fix for Vimeo links not working.
An alternative method is to use our embed widget and add the YouTube video as an embed.