Adding animation to collection list items

How’s it going guys ? Is it possible to add different interactions to each individual collection list item or would all of the collection list items get the same exact interaction every time ? Any tips ? Thanks!

it depends on where the collection items are placed. The interactions are attached to either specific DOM elements or classes - the CMS is just populating those elements/classes. So…depending on your page’s architecture…you can get the cms items to do whatever you want.

If I am way off the mark let me know and we can walk through this. A preview link would help!

Oh interesting. Here’s the preview link.

The part I’m referring to is the section where it says “Featured Products” … those sets of pictures.

So all the cms is doing is populating your divs (.image-11) with images. It looks like you are using X2 interactions - which are really versatile. When you make those interactions you will have a choice to either “Affect the selected item” or “Affect the item’s class”. Up to you. X1 interactions only work on whole classes. fyi.

I would do some reading on the Webflow CMS. CMS and animations are really two separate things. the CMS is the content, but animations work on structure. Good luck!

Thanks! Appreciate the info!

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