Adding a larger breakpoint (1920 PX)

In creating my site, I have breakpoints for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile Landscape, and Mobile Portrait.
By default, the 1920 and up breakpoint uses the styles applied to the Desktop breakpoint. If I want to make the larger breakpoint use a larger set of display criteria, will that cascade down to the smaller breakpoint? Or will I have to use compound styles for everything at the upper level?

As it stands now the site displays fine on my 16" Macbook Pro (3072 x 1920) and on my Dell Windows 11 (1920 x 1080). But how it displays in Webflow Preview mode on my 27" monitor (5120 x 2880) is different than how it displays in Safari or Chrome. Thy look different in the browsers than the do in Webflow Preview Mode. Am I doing something wrong?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

All styles cascade outwards from the desktop breakpoint, so you can override accordingly. Larger breakpoints that you create and style will have no impact on lower breakpoints, in the same way that smaller breakpoints do not impact higher breakpoints.