@cyberdave and @callmevlad I took a look at http://blog.webflow.com/ and I realized you managed to enable sharing scecific pages on facebook like in here http://blog.webflow.com/redesigning-razerzonecom-for-fun-in-webflow
In every blog post (let´s call it a page) you have a button to share the article on facebook.
Can you explain how you did that?
The website I´m designing is this one https://preview.webflow.com/preview/bet-up?preview=d20506ebeeb241e334c3d0d4d966a8f9
What I´m trying to accomplish is to add a facebook button on each page where there is a news story, and when people click on it they can automatically share that page content on their facebook timeline.
We are a Portuguese non-profit, promoting entrepreneurship amongst university students in Portugal, and betUP will be the first online news platform in Portugal entirely dedicated to entrepreneurship, and enabling people to share our news on their facebook page will be crucial for the success of betUP
Can you help?
Thanks a lot