Accordion How to prevents multiple items from being open at one time

Members I need your help…

Currently, the accordion allows me to have multiple items open at one time i.e. if I open one item, and then open another one, both items will be open at the same time. And the only way to close these items, is to re-click on the accordion trigger.

What I would like is to prevents multiple items from being open at one time, so if I click on a new item, it should close the existing open item first.

Please let me know if you can help me with this. Thanks in advance.

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Guys please help me with the obove. Thx a lot.

I’m not sure this can be done without a complicated interaction or custom code. I had @bart custom code something like this a while back because it was outside the capabilities of interactions at the time. You might be able to simply add a close interaction to all the common classes of all the menus so that no matter what one is open, they all close. Does that make sense?