About relative units vs absolute units & other issues.. with webflow bug...?

As you can see… on mobile landscape and portrait breakpoints, scrolling doesn’t work in the midst of doing it…and out of the blue, the screen is changed into grey mode…
when testimonial_horizontal_wrapper is turned on… mobile break points…?

Could anyone guess what causes these issues…?

  1. On testimonial section, I intended to set sticky mode on each elements ( text and testimonial cards…), but when the parent element and body section is set to overflow hidden, the sticky mode doesn’t work at all…

  2. I would like to use backdrop filter on Navbar, but… some of the elements are not behind the navbar… (how_homshom_work section)…

Would appreciate some feedback on this… and if you know how to fix it, I would be very grateful…!

Here is read only link :slight_smile:
