A better / free way to connect Webflow & Hubspot

Great question @macbleser! Here’s how you can handle nested form fields like dropdowns or radio buttons.

Radio buttons:

  • The Contact Property Name on Hubspot would be the Group Name on Webflow
  • The Internal Value for each option on Hubspot would be the Choice Value on Webflow

So in the example you shared, Group Name = what_is_your_annual_revenue_ and Choice Value = less_than_1m. You would use the same Group Name for each radio button in that question and just change the Choice Value.

The text that needs to be displayed to the user (<$1M) would just be typed into the radio button’s label.


  • The contact property name on Hubspot would be the name of the select element on Webflow
  • The internal value of each option on Hubspot would be the value for each choice on Webflow

Webflow does not allow checkboxes with custom values (Add CheckBox Values to Forms for) so the multi checkbox field on Hubspot can’t be mapped / connected to Webflow checkbox elements. Dropdowns (Select elements) that allow multiple choices would be the closest alternative.

If you have specific issues/questions as you implement this, feel free to reach out to support@vimkit.com as well.