I don’t think this would be ideal either btw, but many aspects of Webflow simply aren’t improving IMO. This is totally my opinion, but Webflow seems to release shiny features that provide little relief to my day to day bugbears (this topic was discussed at length in this slightly heated thread). If plugins provided a way to relieve these, then personally I am OK with being responsible for the plugins I chose to implement on my sites. Some people may not want to troubleshoot this sort of thing, in which case they wouldn’t have to use plugins. It’s totally optional.
Cloneable sites full of custom JavaScript to work around Webflow’s limitations? I disagree, these would lead to a total mess. At least with plugins / extensions developers can centrally manage their code bases in a sane way. Imagine the difficultly in trying to support templates where you have no idea what the end user has changed.
I am simply floating the idea that if Webflow opened up to community developers more we might see some of the annoying limitations addressed, while Webflow themselves continue to focus on whatever they deem priority for their own developers. It’s pretty clear from the Wishlist than Webflow and the community’s priorities often don’t line up.
Look at the success that Memberstack has been, despite Webflow not providing any official integration pathways they have managed to solve a major Webflow limitation. This has helped the community immensely. It would be great to see the barriers to integration come down to encourage more of this!