Wufoo custom CSS

I can’t for the life of me figure this one out.

So I’ve managed to get custom stylesheets to work with wufoo webflow embeds. The issue I’m having is the stupid submit button. It’s being cut off at the bottom and I can’t figure out what’s going on. I think it’s a webflow class override. Could someone please help. You can find examples of the form or the /shareyourstory page, but it’s also in the events as well.


The height of the iframe is set dynamically from the third-party script.

You can override this with a fixed height using custom css

.wufoo-form-container {
    height: 800px !important;

Thanks for the reply, but…
I can’t just force a fixed height, as a lot of the forms are different sizes, it doesn’t work responsively and we’ll loose the submit button altogether on longer forms or if a form has an error.

Any other ideas as to why this is happening? The weird thing is that it happens on every form, no matter what height it is and it DOESN’T happen if you click submit and the error messages appear and force the height of iframe even larger.

The height of the iframe is set dynamically from the third-party script. To change this you’ll need to contact the author.