Why does my mobile have horizontal overflow?

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK]

I’m struggling to figure out what element is causing the overflow for my mobile site. Any ideas? [LINK]

I’d really appreciate any help!

Hey Nick, great site btw! My best guess is some of your animations are starting out of the viewport so if someone accidentally scrolls horizontally it creates horizontal scroll.

My suggestion would be to:

  1. Add overflow clip to the body tag - overflow clip won’t affect position sticky and it’s now natively supported in Webflow
  2. Try disable animations
  3. You can add a css style of * { border: solid red 2px } to put a red boarder around everything so you an see what’s going outside the screen
  4. Delete blocks one by one to try and find the problem block and then delete elements within that block

I would expect suggestion 1 to work but if it dens’t then try the other two points - hope that helps!