Why can I no longer do "onclick" attribute?

Hey all -
I have been using onclick in MANY of my websites.
Why can I no longer add onclick through the attributes? It tells me it is reserved? But this is new…

I do not understand why this was added, seems a downgrade.

Thanks for the help!


When i use the object LinkBlock with name onClick and create or change the attributes, appears:

I use values in multiples objects to map the events on Google Analytics (.ga)

Why i can’t creat or change this. In the past i used this … help me.

Hey @paulo & @vscribner - these event attributes were removed for security reasons, but there are multiple workarounds shown here: http://forum.webflow.com/t/google-analytics-event-tracking-for-buttons-in-webflow/8084

We’re testing out some changes in the next week, and if they are successful we may remove the reserved error for these attributes - but no final news on that front yet :\

@callmevlad Any news for this “onclick” attribute? Google cannot find any “quoted” text from a website localized with localize.js right now. In Hope that your webflow.io solve this issues. thanks

Still no updates on this matter? Hopefully the Webflow team could re-enable it. A total bummer for me.

Any news on this? I’d want to test a script and need to use the onClick attribute.

Is there any chanses to get comments from webflow team?
How r u doing, guys? What about event tracking?

@callmevlad is this one still working?