I’m no sure what I’m doing wrong (I’m extremely new to webflow and have no prior CSS knowledge) but I have this white space on the right side of my unfinished website in preview on desktop and it seems to have grown from what it initially was, which was quite slim, but now its quite big.
Can anyone tell me what might be the cause of this (in a way a rookie might understand)? I’ve looked at several other posts but cant seem to figure it out.
Your layout needs working from the ground up. First off, you have added the image in NavBar instead of a separate DivBlock. You’ve used margins for most blocks. Use padding whenever possible instead of margins.
The problem is simple… the Navbar width is 1350 px. That’s causing the problem. Make it auto.
But still, I suggest you learn the basics of Webflow thoroughly instead of just making it work visually. You will face more problems with responsive resizing for mobile, tab etc.
Take a look at the layout change I made in the Navigator and padding/ margins. All set to AUTO.
Okay, thank you for your response and your help! But when I am in design mode this white doesn’t appear to me and its as though im creating a website left of centre every time which then creates white space. Is there anyway to fix that?
I have been learning the basics of webflow but this is my first time implementing it.