Weird empty spacing in mobile view after publishing the website

I get this empty spacing when I view the newly published webflow site in my iphone. This is happening when i scroll the screen to the sides. Other websites does not behave like this.

Can you please help me to fix this issue?

Read-only link:
Webflow - Team.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Asad_Ganiev,

to properly look into this, we need a read-only link to your project.
If you’re okay with sharing a link to the staging domain, this would help compare the views.

How to share your read-only link


Hi Lean

Here you go. Thanks in advance!

Hi @Asad_Ganiev,

the elements with the classes “image” and “mockup” both have set widths that are too wide for the mobile viewport. Try removing the min-width on the mockup or reducing it until the image no longer gets cut off on the edge, like this:


The same procedure is necessary for the element with the “image” class.

Let me know if this worked!
