Weird displacement of divs with text!

Hey guys, I know someone here is smarter than me!

I have a series of divs, and some text inside them, on the page SERVICES:

I have the div on relative positioning and the text vertically aligned. I always do this and it works to center the child element, no matter the height of the parent. But now, somehow, when I have too much text and it breaks into 2 lines, some weird positioning occurs on the divs and I don’t know what that is!!

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!! :smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

It has nothing to do with the verticl positionning thing inside.

I run into this behavior every time (: It has to do with the height of the inside elements. As you must have noticed if everything was on one line, it would be ok:

One solution is to make the phase-step element float left, then add a padding to the constiner to center it… not ideal but if you find a solution, I’m all ears (:

Thank you @vincent!! :smile:

Any ideas why this is happening @thesergie?

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