Website links not working

Hi all. I bought a template and catered it for my needs from a content perspective, however, upon publishing none of the website links work. Can someone please guide me on what I may be missing?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey there, your buttons have no links added to them, you need to set links for each button, or any link block elements.

Thanks a mil @jiyong. Your guidance has helped.

I may have spoken too soon. The links seem to be working in preview mode, however, when published to prod, they no longer work :frowning:

Hey @Oreoa_IS , your preloader animation ends with opacity 0 and display: flex, delete your preloader pageload interaction and publish to test, all links and buttons should be clickable. You have to adjust the preloader interactions to display: none once it ends to fix this issue.


Delete this interaction and you will see that all your links are working in published site.

Spot on @jiyong. The site links are working fine now.

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