Yesterday the Privacy Shield Agreement was declared invalid by the European Court of Justice. Thus, since yesterday, the processing of all personal data of European users / customers processed on U.S. American servers is considered illegal for the time being. Already the IP of a website user is classified as personal data.
Basically we think the decision of the European Court of Justice with regard to international data protection is good, but this decision forces all European companies to renounce e.g. their American Software as a Service solutions like Webflow. And that, in turn, we do not think is a good thing at all. There is now great uncertainty among all your EU customers who host their customer websites via Webflow, for example.
Because of uncertainty, as a European agency hosting the client website via Webflowâs servers, we have to inform our clients that this is currently considered illegal. We can all well imagine how damaging this is to business.
But thanks to the EU standard data protection clauses, it is still possible to process personal data in a third country like (from our point of view) the USA.
Now we, your EU customers, need your help and Webflowâs official statement.
Do European users and customers of Webflow have the possibility to rely on the standard privacy clauses when using Webflow and hosting websites through Webflow?
And what about subcontractors like AWS & Fastly? Can the rights also be asserted against them?
We can only say from our point of view that we love Webflow and highly appreciate the transparency you provide regarding data protection. You were one of the few companies that provided us with a contract for commissioned data processing on demand, punctually on 23.05.2018, when the GDPR came into force, without any problems. At this point we would like to thank you again for this.
To venture a brief look into the future, I have the following 2 questions:
Does Webflow plan to establish a subsidiary based in the EU, which is responsible for legal issues within the EU?
And the 2nd question: Is it planned to develop an on-premise solution of Webflow or/and to restrict the use of hosting only on EU servers of AWS, if a user wants to do so?
With best regards from Germany,
Dennis from Vibrand Design