Webflow pages plugin for wordpress

Hi all, i have been preparing for weeks to host pages on wordpress, yesterday when i was about to start the process i figured that this plugin is no-more available in wordpress plugin library, the page says the developer has aken down the plugin on 22nd december.

was there any warning or notice? will the plugin be available soon, i spent 2 months preparing for this and it is just not there, any clues?


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@Nishant_Purohit - That plugin was not being maintained until a recent update right before being pulled. There has been no additional communications regarding it since that I am aware of. You would be better off looking at Pinegrow which can easily convert a Webflow project or just building what your need with an excellent visual builder like Bricks Builder for Wordpress which mitigates the need for Webflow.

Thanks @webdev Jeff Selser and apology for delayed reply, is there any literature covering the whole process, i am a rookie with theoretical knowledge and limited budget for the process of migration, hence i am doing all the research, i was inspired to overcome the 150 page limit, Url structuring restrictions etc will be gone after moving to wordpress and its easy to find wordpress pros in my budget. Its really confusing as there is no perfect solution i guess.

Both products I mentioned are well documented and there are plenty of tuts on YouTube. Start there.

Hi, you can still download it from here wp hive. Just search for “Webflow Wordpress Plugin Download” on Google.
Then you can install it on your Wordpress site.

@Joshua2902 - Won’t work with V2 of the API. Not recommended.