Webflow.io site wont load in iframe

My site wont load the webflow.io sites I have embeded in iframes on my site.

I have added my read only link.


Unless the projects have disabled secure frame header you won’t be able to.

Is there a way to disable it or work around it.

No there is not, and I would not expect that to change.

ok great thank you so unless it is a published site with a .com ending it will not work am I correct.

In order to publish to any custom domain other than webflow.io you need hosting.

Sorry that’s what I meant I would have to get hosting on it in order for it to display on the iframe on my other site right?

According to Webflow university …

Note: It is not possible to embed webflow.io subdomains in iframes due to Webflow staging domain security. However, if you add a custom domain or custom subdomain to your project, you can embed your project in iframes when disabling secure frame headers.

ok great thank you so much.