Webflow Forms + Redirect with URL Parameters

I am trying to submit a simple waitlist form that includes the following fields:

  1. Email address
  2. Referral code
  3. Referred BY code

Both 2 and 3 are hidden fields. 2 is auto generated using basic Javascript while 3 is pulled out of the url.

The desired behavior on form submission is that the users auto-generated referral code is forwarded to a redirect URL for a “success” page. That page should then include that user’s unique referral link that they can share and forward to friends.

The issue arises when I try to redirect the user after submitting the form. If I set the redirect URL for the form to the success page, the user’s submission is saved, but I have no way of adding the user’s referral code as a URL parameter. If I set the form submission button to Action: URL as a POST method… I now get the desired URL, but my form is no longer saved in the Webflow backend. I need both the URL parameter sent to the redirect AND the form submission to save to the Webflow backend.

Please help! This is extremely frustrating for such a simple scenario.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

JS gives you all the capabilities you need here;
Some options-

You may be able to modify the referral URL directly using JS once to add your referral code. That when the form is submitted it already has the info needed.

Or, you could change your transfer mechanism so that instead of the URL querystring it uses session storage or something similar.

Alternatively you can add a JS event handler directly to your form, and on submission you do your handling and redirects specially.

Was there a solution to this? Is there a non JS solution? I don’t even know where to start with that

I want a simple way to

  • let a user enter text in to a field, i.e. GROUPNAME
  • add that to the end of a URL i.e. ?groupname=GROUPNAME
  • on submit, go to that URL

If I can’t do it simply with a form / logic / CMS combo, I’m going to have to use a 3rd party form like jotform I think

If you’re ONLY try to redirect than you’d just use the GET mode of forms, which will append your fields to the querystring.

  • Set your form to get
  • Set the action to your destination page
  • Name each of the fields as you want them to show in the querystring, e.g. groupname

If you’re also trying to save the form submission data before that redirect happens, then you need some custom code to do that.

Thanks, that didn’t work for me oddly.

All I did was paste in the URL to the submit ‘redirect’ field, set it to ‘GET’, and I expect each piece of form data to appended as parameters to said URL, but nothing happened.

Is there further set-up?

Instead, I pasted some custom code from the post below to the ‘before body’ page section the form is on, and it seemed to work fine, but I’d rather it worked out of the box

Append data from webflow form to URL Custom code

Not redirect. Action. You have the url in the wrong field for what you’re trying to do.