Webflow Editor Very Slow

Hello Webflow Community!

Loving Webflow its truly transformed my business especially with the CMS functions. BUT… I’m having problems with clients logging into the editor to make changes to text… the edit opens and the screen stays white, loads very very slow or doesn’t load at all.

Anyone else had this problem?



Hi @DP43,

Could you provide a video of this happening? Also on which site it is happening to?

Linda-lewis.co.uk is the site where the editor is nearly useless.

My clients is also getting an error screen saying “Editor unresponsive’ when trying to edit.

Sorry here is the link. I have tried yo upload a video but the file is unaccepted on the forum. The editor takes nearly a minute to load each page as I click through.


Hi @DP43,

Have you been able to get this issue resolved?


I’m getting feedback from my site users that they are also experience the same issues when using the editor.

Could you please investigate this issue, since it has been going on over the past 3 months.

Hi @Moodys are you still experiencing Editor lag issues?

If so please reach out to our support channel through our University Page

Please let me know if you have any other questions,

~ Happy Designing ~

Hi Brandon,

Yes we are still experiencing the same issues.

I have users using editor accounts in Asia, Europe and Americas and they all complain about the slowness of publishing or editing the CMS.

Support its unhelpful, they say its because we have two many CMS items but the business account its advertised at 10000 CMS items which is below of what we currently have.

Same here, I have 270 items in my CMS and Webflow is slowing down, lagging intermittently, very painful to use. I’m scared because I plan to use more than 1000 items in the CMS… :frowning:

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Okay, so it seems more and more people are experiencing this now. We imported around 5-6000 blog posts and it completely destroyed all performance in both the editor and designer when adding new blog posts. Webflow is advertised as “no problem” moving over “thousands of blog posts” from.

It’s been two months since I reported the problem and no fix yet. I have no idea if anyone is actually actively working on anything or what’s going on. Support is just saying they’re still looking into it.

Bottom line is, at the time of writing this, I can not recommend using Webflow at all for blogs or anything that’ll fill up the collections (even though we’re not even close to filling anything, as we’re running the 10k option).


It always feels good not to be alone, especially as suffering is shared. :wink:

We have about 500 items here in a project. And it is good to handle from the designer, but from the editors site it’s damn slow, especially if you have to do more changes. An employee was testing this from both sides and he was about 5 times faster in the designer, maybe also supported by the slightly better CMS interface in the Designer, but below the line without performance problems, or crashes he constantly reported while working with the editor account. All this paid per hour. I don’t see any sense to place coworkers in front of my account, what is risky at all and means, I could not use it during this.

Btw. this is happening even on business hosting. I just wonder that I cannot see any solution or response from Webflow somewhere after such a long time. Better said I meanwhile don’t wonder, anymore, as support quality in general was much better in the beginning.

Hope this will be better again, soon.


Hi everyone!

I have just experienced the same issues described by many of you before, and I was wondering if anyone had found an answer to it as the last post was 2 years ago?

Our CMS has less than an thousand items and the editor interface is extremely slow making it impossible for any editor to work even though we are on a business plan.

Anyone still experiencing the same issues?



Still have this problem when using the editor. Especially when adding products to our webshop. Slow to write, slow to publish and often the site doesn’t answer. Very annoying as it takes a lot of time to make changes/adding stuff.
We have around 1000 products in total…

Happens similar for me. The editor in the CMS it’s sometimes impossible to use, specially for Rich Text.