Video demo inside phone mockup?!

Okay webflow community… I’m counting on you to help me with this. I’ve read every question related on the forum, but found no success.

I have an iphone mockup on my landing page, and have a demo of the app as an .mp4

I need the video to auto play inside the phone mockup. CAN’T GET IT TO FIT/WORK FOR THE LIFE OF ME!

Please help!

Here’s an example: Framer Flows — Anchored Layers by Benjamin den Boer for Framer on Dribbble

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I figured it out. :sweat_smile: Don’t use webflow’s video uploader - Use Wistia to host and disable all the player controls, then embed inside an iframe and lay it under an iphone mockup. Done.

I’m late to this, but why can’t this be done with the WF component? If the video is of the good ratio, this should be an easy one.

I’m using several of those on a site here: