Vertical scrollbar has appeared in mobile view


I created an Artwork Approval page and a vertical scrollbar has now appeared in mobile view across the whole site. I understand something is overflowing, but I have no idea what the culprit is or how to solve it.

I have custom scrollers for other viewports, I just need to get rid of the vertical scroller on mobile view.

Thanks in advance!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow -

(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi David,

Might be misunderstanding your question, but this scrollbar is only in the Webflow preview, not the actual website.

Hiya Rory,

It shows on the live site. I’m unable to screenshot the scrollbar as it disappears when I stop scrolling, then it reappears when I scroll again.

Did you also try it on your phone? There only seems to be a scrollbar on desktop for me. There is when scrolling with phone dimensions on desktop, but that gets shown by the browser.

Yes, the mobile vertical scroller is what I want to get rid of. I have a custom scroller for desktop which is ok.

The mobile vertical scroller appears when scrolling, then disappears when I stop scrolling. I have no idea what the culprit causing the overflow is.

It only appeared when I built the Artwork Approval page, so I assume that’s where the problem has arisen from.

Thanks Stan. Which code snippet would be the most suitable to use in your opinion?

Do I place it in the header or the body of the custom code section?

Also, would this code affect the custom scroller I have for desktop etc?

You’ve probably gathered that my knowledge of code is limited at best.


hi @David_C hiding and customising scrollbar are two different things.

If you do not want to have scrollbar at all than hide it on eg. mobile viewport

if you want to have custom make it custom and again you can hide it on mobile.

Topic about customising and hiding sidebar is very well covered on internet in article or video form.

Cheers Stan, hopefully I’ll sort it with your help you’ve provided. I saw plenty of videos and articles for horizontal scrollbars, but not for vertical.

Really appreciate your help. I’ll give this a try as soon as the kids are in bed and let you know the result.

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Good morning Stan,

I tried:


body::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;



.invisible-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;

Neither worked for me. :cry:

hi @David_C please refer to screenshots and read comments.
Then deep dive into CSS introduction to get some knowledge and WF documentation where to place custom code. :vulcan_salute:

CleanShot 2024-08-16 at 15.50.46

Sorted those 2 tasks out, thanks. Still can’t get rid of the scroller, so I’m throwing the towel in and will pay someone to do it.

I appreciate your time and assistance, Stan.

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