Use CMS color field to define CSS property on all pages?

Hello Webflow’ers!

Does anyone know if it is possible to use a CMS color field to define a CSS property on both static and dynamic pages?

What I’m looking to do is take the color value from a color CMS field and use it to define the CSS Text Color value in the body (this would be site wide as it is the body but would also be useful for classes and headings etc):


body {
color: {{wf {"path":"text-colour","type":"Color"\} }};

The above is what is pasted from the attached screenshot when trying to do this on static pages.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)


Works for Collection pages:

but not on home/index etc, even in a collection list item there’s no ‘+: Add Field’ option.