Having followed every step closely (except for the Lottie element), I am experiencing an issue whereby although I have given the transition a high z-index to ensure it appears on top, there are some occasions where buttons beneath this layer are appearing on top of this.
Unsure if this is a timing-related issue, but if anybody is able to help me resolve the issue, it’d be greatly appreciated!
I just implemented a page transition on my site so I think I can help you. Could you please share a read only link? Without it its kinda hard to help
I believe it has to do with the custom code, since this also cause me some problems. Try to move them from the project settings to the body of the page or so, or try a more simple delay like this.
Every link needs to have the class delay in this example for it to work, it delays the link loading by 1500ms or 1,5s for that sake.
I’m still experiencing an issue with this page transition, both on desktop and mobile, where it doesn’t sit on top of all elements and appears to halve at times.