Updated experiments in my sandbox site

I’ve updated a few things.

Easing mode demo is now v2 with all easing modes Webflow supports http://sab.webflow.com/easy-ease-v2

Fancy Image Slider now almost work as expected without custom code http://sab.webflow.com/sliders/fancy-image-slider

Nested and siblings is updated, still in the works http://sab.webflow.com/html/nested-siblings

Hover & border effects now contains all example discussed in the starting thread http://sab.webflow.com/html/img-hover-effects

Menu anim has been redone and loops http://sab.webflow.com/menus/designcode-like-interaction

Among other things…


@vincent Thanks for putting in all the hard work, I really enjoy learning Webflow hands on like this.


Agree with Daniel! Thats great stuff Vince!

I’m sorry, I’m kind of new to Webflow. I don’t get what the point of following these links is…

OOOOH, I SEEEEEE! Thanks man, this is a great visual representation and explanation of a lot of different features. You’ve made it a lot easier to conceptualize how one could piece different styles and interactions together for cool layouts. Good on ya!

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@vincent - thanks so much for putting this together and sharing your solutions. I have learned a ton. Every tutorial from Webflow needs the source to be available like this. Very effective to put you on the right path and allow you to modify and break things - how I learn best. Inspiring stuff.

I hope one day to do the same, but I think I have a bunch to learn before I attempt to show someone else.

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Thanks very much. I would like to add in-depth and illustrated explanation for each example but this takes a tremendous amount of time to do well. Even a screencast requires to rehearse… so I don’t.

However I’ve planned to do a couple of step by step guides about the most common things asked on this forum, like the drop down on :hover, or how to display overlay info on something. I have to double check with Webflow people if they aren’t coming with new feature rendering this obsolete though (:

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Hi Vincent,

This is fantastic - just curious, would you consider making the public available for us to deconstruct? Or is the public available in another topic? Just thinking that if you’re contemplating providing tutorials anyways…the public would allow us to see them in context.


The public link is in the menu, it’s the green link (; I should make that more obvious maybe.

Sorry - it was obvious; I’m just dense. Way cool!

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Well thanks everyone for the words.

Seems like we all have public profiles now! Here’s mine Vincent Bidaux | freelance web designer in La Rochelle, France (damn, one day on the road and someone beat me at securing “vincent” as a username (; )

From it you can access the sandbox and grab the public link. It seems you can also grab the entire site as a duplicate. I’ve allowed it in the setting but it’s still unclear to me if it works. If you try and succeed grabbing it, tell me.

Hi Vincent please how did you achieve the effect for the dropdown using interaction. I have been battling with it all day. Thanks

Do you mean the dop down on :hover ? Have you grabbed the public link to check how it’s made?

Hi Vin.Thanks I found the public link.