Unable to delete field


There are two fields in my Projects CMS collection that I have been trying to delete. I want to delete the tags, and the thumbnail field.

Each time, I get the error ‘Cannot Delete Field’ with the message ‘This field is currently used by either a Collection List on the site or inside a Collection Page. To delete this field, you’ll need to remove any references to it first.’

Both fields are empty in each Project, and I have removed them from the Collection Template Page. I have even double checked and cannot find if it is still linked somewhere.

I read in another thread about saving and doing a hard refresh, I’ve done that multiple times as well and still have not been successful deleting the two fields.

Any suggestions?

Here is my public share link

I can see that on your project page there is a text block that is connected to the tags field.

I haven’t found the image field yet, but thought this might give you some progress. :slight_smile:

@AlexN - Thank you so much! I can’t believe I didn’t look there.