Transitions on Color overlay on top of Background Image

This seems to be pretty straightforward but I can’t find a solution. I’ve recreated the one component I need to fix on a test page linked below.

Essentially I have a div with a background image as well as a transparent background color overlay in the normal state. On hover I have it set so that the color overlay goes to transparent. I’ve tried to add a transition into there but it doesn’t seem to be able to apply to the background color in this scenario. Any suggestions?

Here is my public share link:

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Hey @yoon395

I think the problem comes from color overlay. We don’t have a color overlay transition property. You can use interactions. See how >

Feel free to reach out if you need some help :webflow_heart:

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Hey @PeterDimitrov, this is perfect! Thank you so much for the assistance. This makes a lot of sense.

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Hey Piter,
I’m having the same issue.
I have a bkg image and when people hover over it, I want to to go darker with a transition though. I can’t see the video on loom anymore as the page doesn’t exist.
Could you potentially help me out?

Thanks Piter,
Have a nice day