To what extent does social media improve google rankings?

Hello all, in-spite of only 1 backlink to the site (me crying on the inside), The website i made for a friend is performing surprising well on google uk. With schema markup i’ve added the facebook and instagram of the company as “same as” and i’m hoping this will improve the site further. This is my first ever live website (so be kind to poor layout of h1/h2 tags). Using google my business and keeping it active and posting lots on social media seems to keep the website itself performing without backlinks. Here is the schema of the website: Schema Markup Validator

And in google uk the search term “removal pro” it ranks 1.

Any advice on where to find backlink freebies in the UK would be highly appreciated too. But i thought this may be food for thought to people and companies who don’t value social media in an SEO aspect.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)