Title's responsiveness

Hello, i am trying to make all my site’s pages responsive and i did it, but i can’t seem to find a good solution for the titles on the home page. Here is an example of a title and how it reacts to different px. The first pic is how i want the title to look like.

As the px decrease and because of the section padding, the “Browse all” link goes to the next row. I can’t remove the padding, it is needed for other elements. The layout in the block of the title is flex, wrap down, space between, center.


So, is there any way to make the “Browse all” link align to the right when it goes to next row? I’ve tried aligning them to the right but it messes the heading too. I only need the link to be on the right.

Thank you for your time!

Here is the site’s read only link: Webflow - NoCode4All

need your share link

I just added the link on the post, thank you!

You can place the heading in a div set to 85% width, and it will break the headline before making the browse text shift position

Helloo! Thank you for the solution! I tried it, but it didn’t work exactly how i wanted it! However, after rebuilding certain sections of the site and editing the sizes of the titles and the padding, i managed to make it look good! Thank you so much for your time and your solution!