Three.js, Webpack bundle, mp4 video. CDN solution?

So I have this website I need to make for a client. At the moment one of the ideas involves a threejs landing page ( sneak peak - here ) It involves a lot of custom code which is fine for me. I’m developing it locally with webpack. However I would love to build the rest of the website out with Webflow because I think it is more fun and the cms for the client that webflow provides is actually more intuitive than a lot of other cms out there.

I was wondering how other people have approached this problem. At first I thought I would be able to paste the bundle.js webpack makes into the custom script but it is too large since it includes things like the threejs library. So I was wondering if I can host the script on some sort of CDN and load it that way. My code also requires an mp4 video that I would also need to link to and webflow doesn’t seem to accept that either.

I’ve never really worked with CDNs before does anyone have recommendations? I quickly tried with Google firestore but had a CORS problem with the video.

Would love to know how other people have approached this webpack + webflow problem? Hopefully someone has :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you,

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)