Tabs - Custom animations - forced to do one by one?

Hey! :slight_smile:

Fighting Custom Animations on Tabs here.
I have 9 of them, and have used same divs/class names within each Tab Pane.

Tab change Trigger is setup on Tab Link, and I’m manipulating DOM elements in Tab Pane.
But, I can’t seem to Make it Global / triggering only the related Tab Pane per Tab Link.
Since the Tab Structure is not nested (Tab Panes in one folder, Tab Links in other folder), I can’t find a way to make the relation direct with any off the Sibling/Parent/Child options.

Any help here?
Or I will have to create 9 animations, linking to each 36 of the items for In + Out?

  • Can’t get those Out Animations to work - doesn’t behave the same as on Custom Slider Animation, or maybe its just me!

Help! :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)