Tab link closing mobile hamburger nav

Hello Webflowers,

I have come across an issue with the mobile nav. It may be because of the way I have set up the elements and just maybe unachievable for mobile hamburger nav.

I have positioned a tab element within a dropdown toggle in the nav element. I did this as I will have multiple selections for users to search through and it was a quick/easy way to formate the selection within the nav.

It works great on DT, however, on mobile when a tab link is selected/tapped it triggers the closure of a hamburger nav. I figure this action happens because a ‘link’ element has been actioned within the hamburger nav and therefore closes the nav to load the new page. However, I need to stop this action on the tab links and allow the tab to function as normal and have the hamburger nav remain open.

Does anyone have a code snippet in mind to help block the close of the hamburger nav.

Thanks in advance.

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