Question regarding select choices on a form. I need to be able to style the choices with the same flexibility as the Dropdown. For example, the dropdown options have a good height for mobile and would be easy to touch. Plus you can select each one and customize as you see fit.
For Select the choices are not large like the dropdown and I see no way of customizing.
Hey guys, this is something we’ve discussed in the past, but haven’t been able to implement yet. One thing you can do though, is use custom code to override the default styles.
Also, if you want to see a fun example for style forms, take a peek at our playground: Webflow Playground - Webflow
I’m trying to remove the gradients from the form drop downs, just want nice flat single colour select box’s with no borders, how do i do this in webflow?
Hey @aidan removing browser-default styles from drop downs can only be done with javascript because each browser sets their own styles. You can however do some style alterations using !important to override browser defaults. Find info here.
We have plans for drop-down style editing using the style panel (using some javascript magic), but it’s a ways off.
I found that if you look for .w-select {} within the webflow.css file and add in this to it, it works - loses the arrows but thankfully gets rid of that nasty gradient:
When you export you get a css folder and within that is a webflow.css file. Looking at both Chrome and Safari now however they have both been updated since and no longer have gradient dropdowns - more simple iOS style ones…