Start AutoPlay Tabs not automatically

hey guys,

I am using the custom code that initiates tabs been autoplayed. you may see it in the body custom code section. I am using this popular cloneable project from @avivtech : Auto Change Tabs 2.0

here is my website

the problem is that my section with the tabs is not in the header of the website. and it is below. if you wait 2-3 seconds and only then start scrolling by the moment you reach that section you can already see that the first tab autoplayed so the portfolio sort of starts not from the first tab.

is there a way to enable autoplay of the tabs only once the section becomes visible? when the tabs sort of scroll into view, only then they would start autoplay?

Here is my site Read-Only:

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Hi Adam,
Yes, there is an option to do so,
Scroll-into-view interactions are complex to write in custom code. I suggest finding a developer for that.