SSL certificate 1.2 for Linkedin


It seems that the display of the Opengraph of sites hosted on Webflow cannot be displayed correctly on Linkedin because of the SSL certificate.

Indeed, by checking via Linkedin’s Post Inspector site, we see the following error (see attached)

“We encountered a server error while trying to inspect the URL.”

After some research, it seems that the problem comes from the fact that Webflow uses the SSL 1.3 certificate, while Linkedin currently only supports 1.2, see recent messages below from StackOverFlow relating to the same problem:

“Okay, like you mentioned before it was a problem with the TLS. I was running my app via Cloudflare and checked TLS 1.3 (SSL/TLS → Edge Certificates → Minimum TLS Version). Switched it to 1.2 and LinkedIn started recognizing my pages.”

”The problem in the end was the server from where I did the request wasn’t setup correctly. Because from my side the site had a ssl installed and needed to do a ssl handshake with the LinkedIn server.
LinkedIn is made in java, and java has a more strict policy in validating the handshake. Because from my server setting the hostname for the ssl was not communicated correctly to LinkedIn there server did not validate the ssl and therefore could not connect to our server and receive a response. This ending in a unknown error on LinkedIn end of the site.”

How can we fix this?
Thanks for your help!

@Aurelieb - TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 is enabled on Webflow hosting and I confirmed it. If you are using a proxy then that may not be the case.

This may require checking the SSL settings on Webflow or ensuring that the certificate is properly configured and recognized by LinkedIn.


LinkedIn doesn’t explicitly mandate HTTPS (SSL) URLs for OGP, using HTTPS is generally recommended for security and SEO reasons.