Space after Uploadcare Button

I’m using uploadcare for uploads and the button is right up against my submit button. I need to get it to the next line. Maybe a
code, but i’m not sure how to do that.

Styling isn’t the best, I know, bur for now I just ned submit on its own line.

The upload care button is a line of code:
<script src=“” data-integration=“Webflow”></script>


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @20G - Your preview link isn’t working so I can’t see your exact setup, however I reckon you can overcome this by adding some styling to the Webflow Form Button (Submit).

By default, the WF form button is inline-block, if you give it a class and set it to block you’ll notice it moves to the line below your upload care embed button - You can then add some top margin to the Form button to make give some spacing below the Uploadcare embed.


If this doesn’t work try sharing your preview link again Share a read-only link | Webflow University

@marsh - THANKS! That did work.

Please mark @marsh answer as solution to close this topic (And for future searches). thanks

Final results so fa43%20AM r. Thanks again!