[✅ Solution] How to add button/link inside tab menu

Hey @DuncanHamra!!
I’m working on a tab solution for a new project - and I’ve been following some of your amazing tutorials (both the Activate tab on hover instead of click and now this Add link inside tab solution), and you’re an absolute legend for providing these quick tutorials!

My current challenge right now is that I’m trying to create a CMS solution using these techniques – and it’s now really working out for me.

To summarize the situation and issue I’m facing:

  1. CMS content in tabs using Finsweet solution (working)
  2. Tab activates on hover and shows the content (using your great solution)
  3. Now I want to be able to click the button/name to open the corresponding CMS page in the same tab.

Perhaps there’s a solution that can “combine” your two solutions…?

See here on the Talent Hover Test page below:

You’re a trooper for helping out - many thanks!!! :pray:t3:

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