Slider Only Showing 1 Slide Despite Multiple

Although the slider has multiple slides, when published/previewed, it only shows the first slide and the slider’s bottom nav only shows one potential slide + the nav arrows do not work despite there being several slides.

I also am using Tabs/Flexbox and wondering if there is a bug somewhere?

To get to the slider issue on the published site: Click the hamburger menu, then “Works”, then “Hospitality & Retail”. This triggers an animation to display WrapperDiv (in this case “HospitalityCover”) for this section.

Published site:

In the read-only link it is the “HospitalityCover” area. It is display none because an animation triggers it to display.

Read-only link:

I am under the pump time wise for this project and wasn’t expecting to be tripped up with a bug like this. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I think I’ve narrowed it down to the display none attribute. Currently I have it set to display none and then an animation triggers “show” but somehow that breaks the slider

@kiwiland I only notice there are no z index settings. I do not know if that could help you.

also, welcome to the webflow community. There are many here who know more than I do.