Hopefully someone can help me - I’m not a complete Webflow noob, but I can’t figure out how to recreate the logo overview in the 2nd and 3rd images. The first image (Cancer Council, etc.) is a screenshot of what I’ve put together in Weblfow. The 3 logos (ACRF, CC & HHMI) are showing at their true size; I would prefer to show them a bit smaller, as I have about 13 logos to display, and while these 3 logos are pretty much the same height, not all of the 13 logos will have the same height - some are an extra 10-20 pixels higher.
Note that I have placed my grid in a container, as I would like to control the overall width of the grid. And then I placed a div block inside each of the grid cells and then placed my image in the div block. On the container/grid/div block/image level I have played around with Max Width (both pixels and percentages), overflow, fit, as well as the FR and MinMax settings inside the grid, but I just can’t seem to figure it out.
I just want the logos to be contained in whatever width the container is set to (I know it’s 940 px initially, but I might end up making it larger than that), and have them be centred in relation to each other so that if I add other logos that are a fraction higher/less high, all the logos “line up” nicely horizontally, just like they do in the 2nd image below (“Trusted by thousands of companies around the world”). Hope that makes sense.
My read-only link is below and the page in question is the “Grid” page; if anyone can assist, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/dawson-lab-website?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=dawson-lab-website&preview=017e931f32b929ec0ce819a2cec35d01&pageId=5f916f5bd9c6cf51212b86af&mode=preview