I have some testimonials in CMS and I would like to display 1 testimonial item each time the page refreshes. It doesn’t work with Webflow’s Random/Shuffle Order display since what I read on this forum that there is like 12 hour refresh time. And it makes this option useless for me.
I think @PixelGeek’s tutorial is the way to go for this, what issue did you run into when you tried to use his method?
Since it requires the site to be published I can’t “test” it out on your project, but if you walk through the steps again from his video and publish the project I can double check the live site and Designer view to ensure you got everything set up correctly
Thank you for your reply!
I am no code expert. So I’d really appreciate your help. I tried some coding as I saw in the video. But it didn’t work. With my last modification to the code, the CMS content is not showing on the website.
I’d also recommend not limiting the collection to a single item as the video shows initially. I believe Webflow only randomizes the list order when you republish, so it’s technically only able to add the .show class on a single item part of the time. While it’s not visible at all, it does sometimes render the correct combo class—just with incorrect syntax:
I’ve changed the code as you suggested. And I’ve changed the number of displayed items to “2” (since I only 2 testimonials to show). Now it works correctly! (I hope this info helps those who checks this topic in the future)
The only downside is now in Webflow designer I see all the testimonials together.