Show/hide elements based on form select


How can I get divs to show/hide based on a user’s selection in a form?

ie. in this mockup example I want to show/hide the choices 1 or choices 2 divs based on the author they select:


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anyone able to help?

No way (yet) beside by custom code (You find a lot of code ideas to solve this). Do you know a little JS?

One example:

$(function() {
    $('#' + $(this).val()).show();


The code idea ± is: set deafult value => show this deafult value. Hide all other options. Than when select option 2 (Hide all - and show 2).

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Thanks I will give this a go!

Are there any solution nowadays?
Working my *** off to pull this trought :frowning:

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No. Only by Custom Code.

I have used the above script and seem it displays the option selected but it does hide when selecting other option
here are the link and script

can you reshare a working link?

can you please reshare a working link

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