Show and Hide navbar like

I would like my navbar to work like this website :

  1. Transparent as a default state
  2. When start scrolling it goes white background and dark menu items
  3. When you scroll pass the hero it dissapears
  4. When scrolling up it re-appears

Here is my public share link:

Hi @deadpaul and welcome. This is fairly simple task that need few steps so firstly I will recommend visit Webflow University to learn how to work with this platform. Then use search input field of this forum (with right keywords) before you place a new request as this forum is great source of solutions.

Hi Stan! thanks for a quick response! I actually search both youtube and this forum for an answer. But there´s more than just a hide/show on scroll, thats just a part of the problem :slight_smile:

hi @deadpaul when you search for “change navbar color on scroll webflow” in browser you will find many links here is just a few examples but feel free to find more.

Links from this forum


Hope that these links will help you to sort your request.

Stan the man! thanks for taking your time sharing the links. I´ll check them out and see if I can figure this out :slight_smile: have a great one!

hi @deadpaul if you do not have further questions related to this topic feel free to close your request as solved
Have a great day :wink:

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