Set number of loops in background video

Hi everyone!

I need help with the background video component:
* Make the bg video repeat twice, and not loop forever.
* Would be great if I can set a 3 seconds wait before the video starts repeating.

Any help is super appreciated, thank you in advance!

Here is my site Read-Only: Link

hi @Small_Bunny here we go.

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Thank you @Stan !
Maybe a silly question, but where should I paste it?

Hi @Small_Bunny in this case I will suggest to place all code in one embed element.

Is working! Thank you @Stan I just added a mute boolean to make it play in Chrome.

One more question, how can I get rid of the text at the top?

Screen Shot 2022-06-30 at 20.02.01
Screen Shot 2022-06-30 at 19.58.28

It’s me again, the embed is also doing this weird thing while loading.
I have an interaction for it to appear with opacity from 0% to 100% but it is ignoring it.

Example Video

hi @Small_Bunny to remove visual feedback of iterations just delete element it self
<div>Iteration: <span id="iteration"></span></div> and also document.getElementById("iteration").innerText = iterations;

For opacity you can try to apply opacity to embed it self (not sure if this will work) or you will need to write your own animation.

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