Save to draft lost all the work

I had created an ecommerce site. The client wanted to just do a poster page while I finished the main site so I saved all the pages to draft. Now it looks like everything is gone. Is there a way to retrieve the original work. Any help would be greatly appreciated (even if its gone)

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Hippy X redo)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Under site settings, you can preview various auto-saved time stamps for the project. Look back and see where the non-draft versions reappear. Restore that version of the site.
It’s possible to have the project previews open in another tab. You can place all of the “Poster” page design elements into a single div. Copy that div and paste it into the restored site.

I’m not sure what went wrong along the way, but maybe there’s a safer/different way to retain the items you placed into draft mode.

Yup…this is a duh moment for me…I had turned off the page-wrapper on the home page and with no combo class on the other page wrappers they obviously all turned off. Thank you for the help!