Safari not hiding overflow on rounded corner divs

Any one know why Safari is not hiding overflow on divs with round corners? How can I fix this?

See pill buttons I created with a gradient hover interaction. The only way to achieve the interaction was by using a div and placing an image in the div, then set overflow hide.

The div will hide overflow when only using a bg color, but not when placing an image inside. It works on other major browsers.

@juanerazo it actually looks like this is a Safari bug so we’ll need to utilize a little custom code to fix the issue. Very cool hover effect btw! I enjoyed that :smile:

Here’s the resource for the workaround:

So you’ll need to add this to your custom code head area of your page to account for that overflow-hidden border radius issue in Safari:

.button-div { -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(white, black); }

I hope that is helpful! :bowing_man: I tested on my end via inspector and it was working:


Hey thanks @Waldo for your help. Glad you like the hover effect. :slight_smile:

So, I added the code to the head and published it in webflow and it worked. However, I am having to export the code and upload to a different server, as the client requires this. So I did that and I am testing again. Unfortunately the buttons are still showing no round corners in safari after publishing the exported code. You will see in the code that I added the snippet you shared.

Any further insight on this? Thanks for taking the time!

Webflow link:
Exported code link:

Ok, nm. It’s working now. I made sure my uploads were reflecting the new code. Thanks so much for your help @Waldo


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